Arquivo 2011

jakov colo visionary medjugorje

26 de dezembro:
Aparição para Jakov durou 11 minutos

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A aparição anual para o vidente de Medjugorje Jakov Colo no dia do Natal esteve entre a das mais longas. “Abram os seus corações e permitam Jesus nascer dentro de vocês.” a Virgem Maria disse em Sua mensagem ao vidente que teve a sua última aparição diária em 1998, Jakov relata que nesta aparição Nossa Senhora não mencionou os segredos.


19 de dezembro:
Visita a Medjugorje cura garoto de 19 tumores

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Por oito meses, Joshua, de 2 anos lutou até o último estágio do câncer com um transplante, 80 quimioterapias e 17 sessões de radioterapia. Quando nada mais funcionava, os pais levaram o seu filho até Medjugorje. De volta para casa, os testes mostraram que os 19 tumores e toda a metástase óssea se foi e Joshua está agora completamente recuperado.


December 16:
Lame girl was cured during apparition

All the medical tests were negative when Silvia Busi fell very ill at 16. Within days, the all-normal Italian girl found herself lame in a wheelchair. Nine months later Silvia’s illness disappeared as suddenly as it had come about, during an apparition to Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic. The gift of faith is the biggest one I got, she says. Full story


December 14:
Italian pilgrims revive the airport in Mostar

Medjugorje boom in Italy brings new life to Mostar Airport where a new route to Pescara contributed to a good 2011. More Italian destinations are announced for 2012 but the need of major investments to meet international demands is lurking on the horizon. In Medjugorje, a new local road is expected to relieve the town from traffic. Full story


ivan medjugorje vicenza november 2011December 8:
Ivan visits six states this Winter

The Virgin Mary comes to Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Iowa when Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic has public apparitions in these states in January, February, March and April 2012. Four appearances in Ivan’s US home state Massachussetts are likewise confirmed.Full story


vicka medjugorje nov 13 2011December 7:
Vicka is meeting with pilgrims again

Locals and pilgrims alike were greeting visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic when she returned to meet with pilgrims today. It was Vicka’s first public testimony in Medjugorje for almost half a year when the locals have been afraid that Vicka would not rise upon her shoulder injury. Full story


marija pavlovic medjugorje nov 20 2011December 7:
Guide: Four seers have testified in Rome

Not only Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo but also her fellow visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti has given her testimony before the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje, an official local guide informs. This takes the current total number of visionaries questioned by the Commission to four. Full story


mirjana medjugorje december 2011December 4:
Many joyful moments for Mirjana

VIDEO: Hope and joy were prevalent during Mirjana’s apparition on December 2. She looked less worried than during most apparitions this year, and had long sequences when nothing distracted her enjoyment of seeing the Virgin Mary. The message given to Mirjana points to great hope once barriers of sin are overcome. Full story


December 2:
Media: Mirjana has testified at Vatican

On November 25th Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo became the third Medjugorje visionary to be questioned by the Vatican Commission, a major Croatian newspaper writes. Vecernji List claims no knowledge of Mirjana’s testimony but reports the Commission to be interested in the general circumstances when the apparitions began. Full story


November 30:
Father Jozo is going to serve in Zagreb

World-famous Medjugorje priest Fr. Jozo Zovko relocates from Austria to Croatia. From December this year he will live in the Franciscan monastery in Zagreb. Fr. Jozo has all the usual rights of a priest but has accepted not to talk about Medjugorje in public until the Vatican Commission has finished its work.Full story


November 28:
Medjugorje film surfaces after 54 years

A documentary from 1957 shows the people of Medjugorje struggling to cultivate a land full of rocks. Faith kept them going but since the film was captured under communism, neither Cross Mountain nor the old parish church are being shown. Poetic speaks and artful black & white photography add to a document of great historical value. Full story


November 25:
2000 Italians climbed a mountain with Ivan

Parallels to Medjugorje were obvious and many when visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s apparition on November 21 took place on a mountain with a Cross on top of it. But Ivan was in Palestrina, Italy, whose local parish priest likened the experience to the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor. Messages to Ivan both call to Christmas preparations. Full story


November 24:
Vicka beamed for 13 minutes in comeback

VIDEO: The apparition lasted more than 13 minutes when visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic came back to the public after almost five months with a shoulder injury. The video of Vicka’s encounter in Corridonia, Italy, is the longest lasting recent documentation of an apparition to Vicka whose public apparitions are rare. Full story


November 21:
Papal chaplain embraces Medjugorje

The Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Medjugorje are an opportunity that God gives today’s disoriented man, and the arrival of hope, a chaplain to the Pope and director of the Pontifical Academy of the Immaculate told 5,000 people gathered for a day-long prayer meeting with Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti on November 20. Full story


November 21:
Record number watched Ivan’s apparition

Visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s live streamed apparition on November 17 was followed by viewers in more than 100 countries. 231,200 stayed connected to MaryTV whose website got more than two million hits and transmitted 16 times as many data than during the streaming of Ivan’s apparition last year in Vienna.Full story


confession medjugorjeNovember 19:
Medjugorje expands to 61 confessionals

Always famous for the long lines of people waiting to go to confession, Medjugorje is now building 36 more outdoor confessionals to facilitate more privacy and fewer open air confessions. When construction is finished, there will be confessionals both north and south of St. James’ Church. Full story


November 18:
Pilgrims were amazed by Medjugorje moon

Two British and about 15 Italian pilgrims got a surprise on August 15 in Medjugorje when they saw the moon change shape into several recognizable figures. A pilgrim leader from London grabbed for his camera and took photos of the moon resembling a Cross, a heart, a figure, and a fetus. Full story


November 17:
Ivan in live stream: No hope without God

All continents were represented via online live stream when the Cathedral in Vienna was turned into a little Medjugorje for a day. Before his 8 minutes long apparition, visionary Ivan Dragicevic said that the Virgin Mary comes with hope to a world without hope as God has been abandoned. Full story


November 14:
Vicka has returned to public ministry

An overwhelming interest from all over Italy forced arrangers to state that a prayer meeting with Medjugorje seer Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic had technical problems. But on November 13 the meeting was held as first planned, and so Vicka’s comeback to the public after five months took place with a rare public apparition in Corridonia. Full story


November 14:
Marija fills a sports hall and a church

Rovereto’s sports palace could not hold all the people when Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti visited the Italian town on November 13. It took a video link to a giant screen in a nearby church to make room for everyone. Marija called for a new culture, in the hours when Berlusconi was replaced as Italy’s Prime Minister. Full story


November 9:
Mary will bless apparition viewers online

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s apparition on November 17 in the Cathedral of Vienna will be live-streamed on the internet. According to Ivan, the Virgin Mary will bless all online viewers who pray along and follow the apparition, as if they had been physically present. Religious items taken in front of the computer will also be blessed. Full story


November 7:
Ivan drew people from several states

Many southern states were represented when Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic talked and had a public apparition on November 5 in Metairie, New Orleans. Lasting just about 10 minutes, Ivan’s apparition was among the longer ones, and seven minutes longer than Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti’s public apparition a few hours earlier. Full story


Medjugorje seer Mirjana apparition Nov 2 2011November 6:
Seriousness marked Mirjana’s apparition

VIDEO: Sorrow and seriousness set the tone in video of visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo’s apparition on November 2. Though the Virgin Mary’s words of “all those who wander in the darkness of sin, despair, pain and loneliness” might well explain Mirjana’s worried looks, the message showed to be more hopeful when studied as a whole. Full story


November 6:
Marija speaks up against selfishness

Too much in the world is based upon giving for having something in return, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told 5000 people in Verona’s sports palace on November 5. Including the need for respecting the environment, she called to a more selfless life, all the while reminding that conversion is necessary for having a future at all. Full story


November 5:
Italian cancellation delays Vicka’s comeback

A prayer meeting in Corridonia, Italy, should have marked Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic’s return to public ministry after almost five months absence with a shoulder injury. But no, the arrangement has been cancelled, says latest news from Italy. Full story


November 3:
At least 532 have been healed in Medjugorje

On the average next to one million Holy Communions were distributed per year in each of Medjugorje’s first 30 years of apparitions. More than 500 people think of Medjugorje as the place where they were healed from oftentimes incurable or even terminal disease, and about as many priests ascribe their choice of the priesthood to a visit. Full story


November 2:
Recovered Vicka resumes her public work

Having recovered from a painful injury for almost five months, Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic will return to the public eye for a prayer meeting in Corridonia, Italy, on November 13. Vicka has gone through therapy in Zagreb and Rome since a pilgrim accidentally injured her shoulder in June.Full story


November 1:
Top exorcist laments apathy to Medjugorje

Ignoring the apparitions in Medjugorje is unforgivable for Christians, says Rome’s leading exorcist who shakes his head at those who wait until the Church has ruled. Speaking of “betrayal” Fr. Gabriele Amorth also lashes out at bishops and priests for being indifferent to the fruits of Medjugorje. Full story


October 28:
Figure of light in the sky mystifies Italians

A mysterious figure of light has inspired a lively debate among Italians ever since it appeared in the sky briefly before a Medjugorje prayer meeting in Jesolo north-east of Venice on October 16. Eyewitnesses are sure it was the Virgin Mary whereas mayor, bishops and priests call for caution. Full story


October 26:
Marija urged Mexcians to stay from abortion

The Virgin Mary weeps and suffers greatly because of abortion, Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told 3000 people in Mexico City on October 20. She also called the Mexicans to pray the Rosary to heal their families and solve the problems of armed drugs trafficking and youth crime. Full story

October 26:
Seer points to Mary as many fear a meltdown

With economy and security seeming to collapse, it is ideal to turn to the Virgin Mary for help, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told a crowd of 3000 in Miami, Florida, on October 24. She also stressed the ephemeral nature of our time on earth, and that each person’s behavior will decide where eternity is to be spent. Full story


October 25:
Famous visionary believed in Medjugorje

Sister Lucia of Fatima believed in Medjugorje and prayed for the visionaries says Archduchess whose aunt was personal secretary for the seer of the Church-approved apparitions in Fatima. The cloistered nun Sister Lucia was worried because the Medjugorje seers are very much exposed to the world. Full story


October 23:
Ecuadorians flocked for Marija’s visit

70 buses were employed and people also came from Peru when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had a public apparition in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on October 22. Many came to give thanks – like the organizer who attributes his immediate healing from cancer to his Medjugorje pilgrimage. Full story


October 22:
Girl was healed from tumor during apparition

10 years old Chiara Zoccante suffered from a pituitary tumor when she attended Mirjana’s apparition on January 2nd 2006. Afterwards Mirjana told Chiara’s parents that the Virgin Mary had put her hands on their girl. One month later doctors discovered the tumor was gone. Full story


18 de outubro:
Figura formada em nuvens durante Missa em Medjugorje

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On September 25 the outline of what looked like a woman with a child appeared in a singular cloud above Medjugorje. Within 90 seconds of video from the Mass it coincided with, nine points can be located when either particular parts of the figure are clearly standing forth, or the figure makes more or less obvious movements. Full story

October 17:
Mirjana speaks out to Medjugorje critics

When the apparitions began, Mirjana attended Sarajevo’s best secondary school. Overnight her pleasant life was replaced by removal, threats and interrogations. ”I always wanted to ask those who considered me a liar: Why should I lie? What would I gain by lying?” the seer asks in a new book. Full story


October 14:
Vicka has met with the Vatican Commission

Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic became the second visionary to be questioned by the Vatican Commission that examines Medjugorje, according to several sources. The Commission also heard Fr. Jozo Zovko, parish priest in Medjugorje by the time the apparitions began in 1981, whose appearance is being confirmed by a life-long friend. Full story


October 13:
Expert confirms test by fruits as superior

As some Medjugorje critics downplay the rule of discerning an alleged apparition by the fruits that it brings forth, the foremost Catholic apparitions expert of the 20th century calls the criterion “the supreme rule”. Duing a lecture in Italy Fr. René Laurentin also advices to be cautious with cases of alleged sun miracles. Full story


12 de outubro
Muçulmano prevê Medjugorje um ano antes do início das aparições

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O místico sufi muçulmano Hasan Shushud predisse Medjugorje para mim em detalhes um ano antes das aparições começarem, revela um experiente líder de peregrinações. Esta seria uma longa e decisiva aparição, e para Roma será confiada uma grande responsabilidade, de aceitar ou rejeitar Maria em nome de toda a humanidade.


October 10:
Marija tells crowd to witness without fear

Give witness to your faith everywhere with anyone, Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti admonished a predominantly young audience in Rome before moving on to Desio where a star parade of Medjugorje witnesses drew about 15,000 people this weekend. Full story


October 7:
Symposium marks Medjugorje’s 30 years

A wealth of theologians, historians, sociologists and psychologists were at the podium on Wednesday when “Thirty Years of Medjugorje”, an international scientific symposium, celebrated the anniversary of the apparitions. All 20 lectures to be published later this year. Full story


October 6:
Deaf man starts to hear in Medjugorje

87 years old Domenico Mascheri from Italy had been using hearing devices since the 1970s.  But during a Mass in Medjugorje on September 27 he suddenly started to hear the priest still more loudly. One week into his new life with good, un-aided hearing, his wife still cannot understand she does not have to shout anymore. Full story


October 6:
Focused Mirjana had a quiet apparition

VIDEO: Neither deep contentment and happiness, nor any dramatic expressions of the opposite were visible when visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had her apparition on October 2. The video shows a focused Mirjana who seems to take many instructions and only leaves her equilibrium once and very briefly.Full story


October 2:
Mirjana: Each should ask if he is worthy

“Are you aware, brothers, that the Mother of God was with us? Each of us should ask himself: Are you worthy of this?”, Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo said after today’s apparition when the Virgin Mary warned of creating families and societies that are not resting on God. Full story


September 27:
Visionaries unite in appeal to parishioners

Medjugorje is chosen and meant to be a role-model for the entire world. But the parishioners have not fully answered this call, and materialism is a latent danger, three of the seers agree. Mirjana calls for closed shops and silence during the daily apparition, and for meatless Fridays in the restaurants. Full story


24 de Setembro:
Medjugorje faz modelo deixar Milão

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Ania Goledzinowska era uma modelo para grandes empresas, uma apresentadora de TV e atriz em comédias italianas. Agora ela está rezando o terço e indo para a Igreja enquanto não está limpando quartos, descascando batatas e cuidando das galinhas em sua nova vida com uma comunidade em Medjugorje. E ela não tem planos de voltar.


23 de Setembro:
Mirjana doente por três dias após aparição

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Vendo a profunda tristeza da Virgem Maria por causa da falta de resposta da humanidade à Sua presença e as graças concedidas, fizeram a vidente de Medjugorje, Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo pensar que não sobreviveria a aparição em 2007. Após esta aparição, a vidente ficou doente por três dias, constantemente vendo o rosto de Nossa Senhora diante dos seus olhos e fortemente sentindo a Sua dor, revela Mirjana em um novo livro.


September 20:
Apparition to Marija draws 5000 Italians

VIDEO: It was as if the entire population of Tregnago had gathered in the church when Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had a public apparition in the Italian town on Friday. Ten priests heard confessions while Marija consoled the sick with testimonies of healing miracles in Medjugorje. Full story


September 16:
Highway spurs hope of growth for Medjugorje

A new piece of highway will connect Medjugorje to the Croatian border and the Adriatic coast by the end of 2013. Funding, permits and expropriations are in place, work beginning in early 2012. Prime Minister expects “opportunities for accellerated growth for Medjugorje”. Full story


September 14:
Injury keeps Vicka from talking to pilgrims

Visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic is still recovering from her injury in June when a pilgrim grabbed her arm. Though Vicka is doing better, she keeps on receiving physical therapy and still is unable to pass on the Virgin Mary’s message to pilgrims from her stairway. Full story


September 12:
Seers are convinced of future recognition

The apparitions in Medjugorje will be approved by The Catholic Church, three of the visionaries say. Ivan believes the medical-scientific tests of the seers “will greatly influence the rulings and decisions of the Church”. Mirjana, too, links approval to proof. Full story


September 8:
Medjugorje sets pilgrims record in August

Pilgrims flock into Medjugorje where this August was the busiest month since the Virgin Mary’s apparitions began. For the first time ever the number of Holy Communions distributed at Mass exceeded 400.000 in one month, breaking the previous record with a remarkable 80.000 distributions. Full story


September 6:
Future events were painted on Mirjana’s face

VIDEO: Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo went through several states of mind when the Virgin Mary appeared to her on September 2. Mirjana’s visible reactions during the key section of the apparition correspond to her own previous statements and indicate a future with phases of shock, sorrow, adaption, relief and great joy. Full story


August 25:
Mary says enormous number has ignored her

In her August message via Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti the Virgin Mary calls to prayer and fasting for her intentions, saying that Satan wants to destroy her plan and that “an enormous number” of people has not responded to her call. Full story


August 22:
Witness: Bishop void of faith in apparitions

The Bishop of Mostar personally told me he does not believe in apparitions at all, specifically denying the Church recognized apparitions in Lourdes and Fatima, the leader of National Medjugorje Council of Ireland states about Medjugorje’s bishop. He also told me he never spoke to any of the seers, the retired Major-General adds. Full story


August 18:
Bishop blasts Vicka over tennis comments

When local tennis player Ivan Dodig beat Rafael Nadal, number 2 in the world, a newspaper quoted Vicka to say that Dodig’s success was “another message of Medjugorje”. One day later the visionary’s comment caused Bishop Ratko Peric of Mostar to break his self-imposed public silence on Medjugorje.Full story


August 9:
Ivan’s public apparitions back after pause

Thousands of pilgrims gathered on Apparition Hill when Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic had his first public apparition for four weeks. Three days after the Virgin Mary had warned about world-ruling evil, the Virgin’s message to Ivan calls people to participate in the new evangelization earlier announced by two Popes. Full story


August 5:
Mirjana smiled though Mary spoke sternly

VIDEO: While the Virgin Mary’s message was grave, warning about world-ruling evil, visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo seemed to have one of her more comfortable apparitions on August 2, smiling eight times during the 5.20 minutes encounter with the Virgin Mary. At other times Mirjana’s facial expressions suggest she was unpleasantly surprised. Full story


August 2:
The Virgin Mary warns of world-ruling evil

An evil that cannot be stopped by individuals wants to begin to rule in the world and to destroy it, the Virgin Mary cautions in her August 2 message to Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo. “But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world”, the Virgin’s message also promises. Full story


July 19:
Pope’s wish to visit Medjugorje was known

John Paul II twice expressed his desire to visit Medjugorje to Franjo Tudjman, then president of Croatia. In March 1997 Tudjman passed on this wish in Medjugorje’s parish office where the local bishop also was present. But apparently the Bishop of Mostar never sent an invitation to the Pope, and so he never got to see Medjugorje. Full story


July 15:
Oil from sculpture involved in woman’s cure

Julie Quintana from Los Angeles had a newly discovered breast cancer when she took off to Medjugorje in June. When she placed exuded oil from the Risen Christ sculpture behind St. James’ Church on top of her clothing, she felt a strong heat in her chest. Back home her next biopsy revealed her health to be perfect. Full story


July 14:
Abortion doctor converted in Medjugorje

Visits to Guadalupe and Medjugorje were instrumental in John Bruchalski’s conversion. The medical doctor went from routinely performing abortions to founding one of the largest pro-life medical practices in the United States and employing the teachings of Blessed Pope John Paul II in a new, wholesome approach to health care. Full story


July 7:
Ivan’s public apparitions cease for a while

Until he is told otherwise, visionary Ivan Dragicevic will not have weekly public encounters with the Virgin Mary on the top of Apparition Hill in Medjugorje. For an unknown length of time the extra apparitions will be private and exclusively attended by the members of Ivan’s prayer group. Full story


July 4:
Mirjana was sent through a range of emotions

VIDEO: Three sequences of joy and tranquility indicate Mirjana’s apparition on July 2 to belong among the softer ones for the visionary whose facial expressions are oftentimes dramatic during apparitions. Yet at other times Mirjana’s expression indicated sorrow and pain, and afterwards she passed on a serious message. Full story


June 27:
Vicka injured during 30 years celebrations

Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic will be unable to talk to pilgrims for an unknown length of time. Vicka felt great pain when her hand was pulled by a visitor for the 30th anniversary celebrations. She had to go to the hospital in Zagreb, and now the visionary has to recover. Full story


June 25:
30th anniversary breaks all records

An estimated 100,000 pilgrims from more than 100 countries attended Masses in more than 20 languages and spent the night in a record number of local hotel and pansion beds, if not on lawns and parking lots. The 30th anniversary of the apparitions in Medjugorje set new records in almost every conceivable way. Full story


June 25:
Ivan foresees major changes in the world

The Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Medjugorje are for all of mankind. But has mankind responded to the grace as it ought to? Visionary Ivan Dragicevic asks this and other questions, and also announces “physical changes in the world” and says humanity is standing at a great crossroads before a new future. Full story


June 25:
First secret in focus in Ivanka’s apparition

Recent years’ trend in Medjugorje visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez’s annual apparitions on June 25th continued this year with the Virgin Mary giving a very short message and talking to the seer about one of the secrets – this time the first. Also according to custom the apparition was private, attended only by Ivanka’s family. Full story


June 25:
Writer: Medjugorje is a dilemma to Vatican

The apparitions in Medjugorje constitute a troubling dilemma to the Holy See. Damage will be severe no matter what the Vatican ends up deciding, says Vittorio Messori whose books about John Paul II and Benedict XVI have contributed to making him Italy’s most translated Catholic writer. Full story


June 25:
Message to Ivan underlines the messages

The Virgin Mary stressed the importance of living her messages when thousands of people filled the slopes of Apparition Hill in Medjugorje for visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s public apparition on the vigil of the 30th anniversary. Fifteen minutes of thunder and lightning came to a sudden end in the moment the apparition began. Full story


June 24:
Viewers from 82 countries followed Ivan live

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s web transmitted live apparition on Thursday turned out succesful for MaryTV who registred 9,000 computers in 82 countries connected to the live stream. MaryTV’s crew had to struggle until the last minute before everything suddenly worked. Full story


June 20:
Media: Ivanka did well at Vatican Commission

Visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez gave detailed and convincing answers when she testified before the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje, a respected Italian newspaper writes. The three hour meeting both allowed Ivanka to tell about the beginning of the apparitions and her mission of praying for families. Full story


June 19:
Communists spied intensely on Franciscans

When the apparitions began in Medjugorje, the ruling Communists of the then Yugoslavia reacted by physically following and spying on the local priests, by wiretapping their phone calls and analyzing their correspondance. The Communists first observed the parish priest four years earlier, reveals a new book based on files from the secret police. Full story


June 18:
Cardinal has high hopes of Vatican Commission

The result of the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje will certainly be advantageous, says Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna who firmly believes that the Virgin Mary appears in Medjugorje: “I am convinced that the phenomenon that has attracted 30 million pilgrims and brought lots of good fruits, will be processed very carefully”.  Full story


June 18:
Medjugorje critics parrot old Communist lies

Attempting to compromise Medjugorje priest Fr. Tomislav Vlasic, the Communist power-holders of the then Yugoslavia invented slanderous stories, claiming he had fathered a child. Though the accusations were proven false long ago, Medjugorje critics still repeat the claim whose origin is now being proven by Communist files. Full story


June 18:
The Virgin Mary calls to perseverance

”Decide for my Son” and ”Follow my messages, especially through these days in which I am coming”, the Virgin Mary said when thousands gathered for visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s public apparition on Friday evening atop Apparition Hill in Medjugorje. Though the Virgin Mary came happy and joyful, her message was serious, too.   Full story


June 17:
Mirjana next in line for Vatican Commission

After a gentle three hour questioning of visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez, the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje will next call Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo who has not yet been given a date. The commission is still far from able to write its final report, says Cardinal Camillo Ruini who heads the official investigation. Full story


June 17:
Mirjana has forgotten her secrets

Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo is likely to be at the forefront when the Virgin Mary’s 10 prophetic secrets are to be revealed to the world. But, due to a special grace, right now the secrets have been as if erased from the memory of the Medjugorje visionary who goes for extended periods of time without even thinking of them. Full story


June 15:
Two of Ivan’s apparitions to be live-streamed

Viewers can be present online when MaryTV will stream two of Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s apparitions in late June live on the internet. When the Marian tv station did the same last Summer, the Virgin Mary told Ivan that she would bless everyone who followed the apparition online as if they had been physically present in Ivan’s little chapel. Full story


10 de junho:
Ivanka confirmada a estar em Roma para ser interrogada

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A Comissão do Vaticano pretende explorar o fenômeno de Medjugorje a partir do dia da primeira aparição. Estes dias a comissão se reúne em Roma, e os peritos internacionais e teólogos Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez com eles para interrogatório. O marido diz que ele não pode dizer uma palavra sobre o que Ivanka está fazendo em Roma por causa de um juramento de que pode ser comparado ao zelo da confissão.


June 10:
Mirjana sees signs of Mary’s coming triumph

Though the world may look dark at the moment, the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary will be victorious and a new and better world will emerge. “Things are starting to move” says Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo who sees  “small signs” of the Virgin Mary’s triumph. Full story


June 9:
Expert links Medjugorje to approved apparitions

The voices of the Medjugorje visionaries become inaudible when they talk to the Virgin Mary. This has only been observed with Marian visionaries, cannot be mimicked  by other types of mystics – and was also observed during the apparitions at Lourdes, Beauraing and Fatima all of which are recognized by The Catholic Church. Full story


June 7:
Newspaper: Vatican calls the seers to Rome

According to the Croatian newspaper Vecernji List, the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje has called the visionaries to Rome at some point during June. The paper also says that the commssion has already been in contact with the seers, and held two meetings during which other important figures were being heard. Full story


June 5:
Hard apparition left Mirjana little room for joy

VIDEO: The Virgin Mary was sad during Thursday morning’s apparition to Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo. The seer’s facial expression mirrored this sadness that allowed Mirjana to smile on only three short occasions in the course of her five minutes stay in front of the Virgin. Full story


May 18:
Pope venerated weeping Medjugorje statue

When a statue brought to Italy from Medjugorje began weeping tears of blood in 1995, Pope John Paul II was among the many faithful who thought the statue was a sign sent from Heaven. Now the Bishop with whom the case rested tells his story about John Paul II and the Virgin of Civitavecchia. Full story


May 10:
Influential cardinal invites seers back to Vienna
Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna opens his Cathedral for Medjugorje seers to have another apparition there in November. As the director of the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, Cardinal Schönborn’s invitation shows that he has been unable to find anything contrary to Catholic teaching in the Medjugorje messages. Full story


April 13:
Neck problems make Ivan cancel four talks

Several days of severe pain in the neck have forced Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic to cancel four public apparitions and talks in California, Nevada and Arizona. Ivan was in the emergency room before two public appearances and is now on medication but his condition is not serious. Church arrangements go on.Full story


March 1:
Local bishop now silent on Medjugorje

For the first time in almost 30 years of reported apparitions at Medjugorje, the Bishop of Mostar refuses to answer media questions about them. His opposition to the apparitions has always been outspoken, but now he refers to the international commission appointed by the Vatican to study Medjugorje. Full story


February 18:
Vicka has rare public apparition on Irish tv

VIDEO: About 2,000 people were packed in an Irish tv studio when Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic had her daily apparition on February 17. It was the first time for years Vicka opened up her apparition to the public. Also included: Vicka’s 20 minutes appearance on The Late Late Show. Full story

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