Original article: http://mysticpost.com/2018/07/words-father-livio-will-shake-medjugorje-greatest-event-two-thousand-years-christianity-antidote-end-world/
It has been so many years since Our Lady appeared in Medjugorje: how should we interpret such a long-lasting phenomenon?
“These are the longest public apparitions since Marian apparitions have existed. They are part of a plan that goes from Fatima to Medjugorje as Our Lady said.
That is, she came to complete what began at Fatima in relation to a time of peace for humanity. The visionaries themselves say that we are still at the beginning of this plan, partially realized with the conversion of Russia already underway thanks to the regained religious freedom. For the most part, however, it has not yet been realized because apostasy from the faith is also taking place in the West and at the same time, the world for the first time in human history is in danger of self-destruction.”
Does this danger of self-destruction make such an initiative by the Mother of Jesus indispensable?
“Our Lady said that she came to awaken faith in a new world without God. Our Lady sees that we are building a world without God: that is why you are unhappy and that is why there is no future or eternal life. Self-destruction is a real possibility: man can destroy the planet he lives on and Our Lady came as the Queen of Peace to preserve us.
In the book The Secrets of Medjugorje, you write giving a methodological indication that “we must know how to read human events in their connection with spiritual events”. So he uses very strong terms talking about “apocalyptic confrontation”, about “fighting” between the forces of evil and good.
Our Lady gave the theological vision of the current historical moment from the first months of the apparition, when she said that a battle is taking place between her Son and Satan. That her Son would have won, but also that Satan would have his share”.
Which part would it be?
“As at Fatima, Our Lady said that today many souls are going to hell”. Because in these messages the role of Satan finds great space. Usually we are used to not talking about it, considering it as an entity from other times… “The central message of Medjugorje is that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, and that heaven is the goal towards which we must strive with all Our strength. At the center is the love of God. But Our Lady speaks to a world that largely rejects God and therefore opens the prospect of hell. One of her recurring phrases is that “in hell there are those who want to go there”. The catechism speaks of self-exclusion ».
She writes in her book that with her apparitions, with her messages, it is as if Our Lady compensated for “the lack of catechesis” and wanted to guide Christians through the words revealed to the seers. Is that so?
“There is no doubt that, like no other apparition, in Medjugorje, she makes regular messages that are a true form of evangelization. A maternal evangelization, simple, but very profound and very Catholic, absolutely consistent with sound doctrine”.
But doesn’t it seem that, thanks to the media, how in recent years the catechesis of the Pope, Vicar of Christ, has spread throughout the world?
“There is an impressive harmony between what Our Lady says and what the last three popes, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, teach. That is: the centrality of the person of Christ. From here descends the whole Christian life: the sacraments, in particular confession and the Eucharist, prayer ”.
Is it not enough to follow the teaching of the Pope and the bishops to be Christians?
“Yes, of course. But we must not forget that Our Lady carries out a maternal task that does not replace that of the Church, but supports it ”.
How can we frame the choice of the six seers?
“In my opinion, the most important thing is choosing a villa located inside the famous Iron Curtain. Our Lady has prepared us for the collapse of communism that has been prophesied since 1981, or ten years before it happened. Then, exhorting to fasting and prayer, he obtained from this that the third world war did not break out as it could have”.
These six seers had nothing in particular: why were they chosen?
«Because, according to the words of Our Lady, “they were neither better nor worse than the others”. But it must be said that, after 32 years, they were faithful to their task, including because in the first years they were persecuted by the State and the political police, even with threats to the families, interrogations, sudden arrest ”.
Why is the issue of the collapse of communism so important? It seems to me that this is not a question of class and wealth, but rather a philosophical question: it represents man’s claim to be without God.
“The issue of communism concerns its atheistic and materialistic view of life which, however, over the years, has been supported by the State with the persecution of the Church. It is not so much a political issue as an ideological one, in the sense that this view still remains the real great temptation of the modern world. That is, man puts himself in the place of God. He wants to save himself, to be self-sufficient. “
Our Lady insists on fasting and penance. Is it a Lenten Christianity that emerges from these apparitions?
“What appears in Medjugorje is a Christianity centered on prayer, especially on the sacraments of the Eucharist and confession. Today the most serious temptation is the loss of faith and the most effective antidote is prayer ».
Isn’t it mandatory for Christians to believe in the Medjugorje apparitions?
“Medjugorje is the greatest event in two thousand years of Christianity. Missing this opportunity to have Our Lady as a guide on the spiritual path is, in a sense, unforgivable. It would be unwise to neglect or despise such help. “
However, the Church has not yet officially recognized it.
“The Church will not officiate until the event is over. But at the same time, she observes Medjugorje and rejoices in the conversions.”
If you want to purchase a rosary from Medjugorje and be blessed by Our Lady in her apparitions, don’t waste time!! CLICK HERE Ativador !!