Arquivo 2012

14 de agosto:

Senhora levanta-se de sua cadeira de rodas

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Por 14 anos a senhora belga Pascale Gryson-Selmec sofria de uma doença rara e incurável que tirou a sua voz e a deixaram em uma cadeira de rodas. No início deste mês (agosto 2012) ela foi à Missa em Medjugorje, sentiu uma força atravessá-la, falou com o seu marido e levantou-se de sua cadeira.

marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary seer

9 de agosto:

Vaticano assistiu como a vidente recebe a mensagem

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A Comissão Vaticana que investiga Medjugorje esteve presente enquanto a vidente Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti recebia a mensagem mensal da Virgem Maria para o mundo. O objetivo era verificar se a mensagem está realmente sendo recebida como Marija a descreveu, disse um fotógrafo bem informado.


7 de agosto:

Maria pode preparar o retorno de Cristo

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A mensagem da Virgem Maria tem sido a mesma há 500 anos e parece que suas aparições estão a preparar o retorno de Jesus, diz o padre da paróquia de Medjugorje. O aparecimento de Maria pode salvar o mundo, diz o padre Petar Vlasic que chama a comercialização de prejudicial para a mensagem principal de Medjugorje.

leo jozic medjugorje youth festival mladifest august 2012

6 de agosto:

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Ao final do 23 festival de jovens, o coordenador do festival estimou que entre 35.000 e 40.000 jovens participaram. Cerca de 10.000 participaram da Missa de encerramento no topo da montanha da Cruz na segunda-feira. “Nós recebemos tantas graças. Agora nós temos que compartilhá-las com os outros.” diz o coordenador.


5 de agosto:

Roma não podia ignorar Medjugorje

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O Vaticano teve que reagir a milhões de pessoas que se reúnem em Medjugorje, e a atual Comissão trabalha seriamente porque os membros acreditam que Medjugorje já está profundamente integrada dentro da Igreja, disse o pastor de Medjugorje que chama  ”irresponsável” afirmar que os videntes mentem.


1 de agosto:

medjugorje youth festival mladifest 80.000 esperados para o festival da juventude

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Com jovens de 60 países, começou o 23 festival anual da juventude em Medjugorje nesta quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2012. Os organizadores esperam 80 mil pessoas participem do evento, o segundo maior na temporada de peregrinações. O festival inteiro será transmitido ao vivo na internet, com áudio e vídeo em vários idiomas.


litus vallbe spain spanish hockey player coversion converted medjugorje priest seminarian olympic olympics london july 2012

31 de julho:
Seminarista Olímpico acredita em Medjugorje

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O grande sonho do jogador espanhol de hóquei Litus Ballbe era jogar nas Olimpíadas, até que em uma visita a Medjugorje  ele recebeu o chamado para ser sacerdote. Agora ele está estudando, mas ainda assim o seu primeiro sonho se tornou realidade. Seu seminário permitiu a ele tempo para o hóquei e na segunda-feira (30/07/2012) ele jogou nos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres.


virgin mary our lady statue podbrdo apparition hill medjugorje evening sunset

30 de julho:
Especialista esclarece por que Maria pediu orgulho

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Muitos ficaram confusos quando a mensagem mais recente da Virgem Maria encorajou que “a esperança e o orgulho possam sempre reinar em seus corações e em suas vidas”. A língua croata tem duas palavras para “orgulho” e Maria não usou aquela que indica o orgulho como pecado capital, diz Ana Shawl, fluente em inglês e croata.

medjugorje first apparition spot hill podbrdo folden figure light lightning photo pic picture pilgrim confirm confirming confirmed site spot place first

29 de Julho:

Figura aparece em foto no lugar-chave

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O vidente Ivan Dragicevic frequentemente fala sobre o primeiro dia das aparições, levando os peregrinos para uma caminhada. Um dia, quando ele tinha mostrado onde Maria primeiro apareceu, uma senhora tirou a foto apontando para o local. Quando a foto foi revelada, uma figura iluminada estava em cima da colina.


medjugorje mladifest youth festival

26 de Julho

Marija encoraja os jovens a serem ativos

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Façam bom uso de tudo o que Medjugorje oferece, venham junto, e não apenas assistam enquanto os outros rezam, a vidente Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti adverte aos participantes do festival da juventude na próxima semana. Marija falou de sua própria juventude.

lionel messi football footballer player visit visits visited medjugorje meets meet met visionary seer ivan dragicevic july 2012

23 de julho:
 O melhor jogador de futebol do mundo faz visita secreta

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O vidente Ivan Dragicevic confirma que o jogador argentino do Barcelona Futebol Clube, Lionel Messi foi seu convidado em Medjugorje. O boato da sua visita foi espalhado durante todo o mês de julho, e quando os rumores se tornaram realidade, o melhor jogador de futebol do mundo foi despercebido e manteve a sua visita privada.


medjugorje visionary seer jakov colo sings singer music record cd album a mia madre mother ave maria july 2012 roberta faccani

19 de Julho:
Vidente de Medjugorje canta louvores à Nossa Senhora

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O vidente de Medjugorje Jakov Colo publica uma coleção de canções influenciadas pelos seus 17 anos de aparições diárias, e canta dueto com o italiano profissional cantora Roberta Faccani para o single. O vídeo mostra Jakov como um jovem no final de 1980, e cenas da colina das  aparições e da Igreja de São Tiago.


mostar international airport medjugorje expands expansion italy italian strategic partnership airports july 2012

19 de Julho:
Italianos irão expandir o aeroporto de Mostar

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Aeroportos na Itália se juntam para formar uma parceria estratégica com o aeroporto internacional de Mostar, próximo a Medjugorje. Coordenado pelo ministério dos negócios estrangeiros da Itália, o plano vai ampliar o número de vôos, assegurar uma melhor segurança e treinar os funcionários.


solar sun miracle medjugorje apparition mirjana dragicevic soldo october 2 2011

17 de Julho:
Garota cega passa a enxergar após o milagre do sol

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Raffaella Mazzocchi era cega de um olho quando sua família a persuadiu a ir a Medjugorje. Quando ela viu o milagre do sol, ela parou de enxergar com os dois olhos por cinco minutos. Mas ela voltou a ver quando abriu primeiro o seu olho doente, e depois ambos, e sua cura inexplicável foi completa.


denis cathy nolan marytv mary tv fruit fruits show testimonies july 16 2012 monday thursday

16 de Julho:
Novo programa de TV na Web mostra os frutos de Medjugorje

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Pessoas comuns com experiências incomuns em Medjugorje são o foco do novo programa bi-semanal da MaryTV. “Nós gostaríamos de tornar disponíveis para o público em todo o mundo os incríveis frutos que Nossa Senhora está realizando em Medjugorje.”


medjugorje fire fires miletina hill july 12 2012 cross mountain july 13

13 de julho:
Incêndios mantém peregrinos longe da montanha da cruz

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Chamas chegaram a 100 metros da casa quando pequenos incêndios em uma colina nos arredores de Medjugorje na quinta-feira se espalharam para a montanha da cruz na sexta-feira. Os peregrinos foram aconselhados a não subir a montanha até que os incêndios fossem controlados. Os bombeiros em Čitluk tiveram que ligar para pedir assistência a duas grandes cidades vizinhas.


fr fra mario knezovic priest franciscan medjugorje

9 de Julho:
Padre adverte contra o excessivo foco dado às celebridades

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A cobertura da mídia sobre a visita do técnico de futebol italiano Roberto Mancini a Medjugorje, diz o ex-diretor da Rádio Mir Medjugorje e chefe do centro de informações . Medjugorje não pode ser submetida a uma celebridade e ao estilo de anúncios publicitários, frei  Mario Knezovic escreve na revista dos franciscanos.

mate bilic sporting gijon croatia hrvatska celebration goal score scoring gospa our lady virgin mary medjugorje virgo maria shirt

8 de Julho:
Jogador de futebol deve tudo a Medjugorje

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Tudo de bom na minha vida aconteceu por causa de Medjugorje, atesta o ex-jogador de futebol croata nacional Bilic Mate. Ele veio a Medjugorje toda a sua vida e agora a visita regularmente com seus filhos, tentando ensinar-lhes valores morais e de fé em um mundo onde ele se sente que ambos estão ameaçados.


marija pavlovic lunetti mirjana dragicevic soldo medjugorje seers visionaies seer visionary cardinal christoph schonborn vienna wien new year 2009 2010

6 de julho:
Cardeal impressionado com os frutos de Medjugorje

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Os frutos de Medjugorje são impressionantemente bons, disse o Cardeal Cristoph Schonborn de Viena. Ele chama a posição da Igreja sobre Medjugorje de “muito clara” : a questão da autenticidade é deixada em aberto e assim os clérigos não podem organizar peregrinações oficiais. Mas todos são livres para visitá-la por conta própria.


mostar international airport record month june 2012 medjugorje pilgrims italy italian italians

4 de Julho:
Peregrinos trazem recorde mensal ao aeroporto

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O desembarque de quase 12.000 passageiros fez de Junho o melhor mês para o aeroporto internacional de Mostar e os primeiros seis meses de 2012 tiveram quase a mesma quantidade de passageiros do inteiro ano de 2011. Aviões com peregrinos para Medjugorje, distante 25 quilômetros trazem um novo ânimo para o aeroporto que luta para sobreviver.


gianluigi buffon italian italy footbaall national goalkeeper visits visit medjugorje giulio july 3 2012

July 3:
Goleiro da elite do futebol visita Medjugorje

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O goleiro da seleção italiana Gianluigi Buffon procura a paz em Medjugorje para se recuperar no Campeonato Europeu e derrota da Itália 0-4 contra a Espanha na final. Permanecendo dois dias em Medjugorje, ele participou de uma aparição ao vidente Ivan Dragicevic e também se encontrou com mais dois videntes.


medjugorje visionary seer marija pavlovic june summer 1981

27 de Junho:
Marija: Nós estávamos prontos para sermos mártires

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Perseguidos pelos governantes comunistas, os videntes estavam prontos para o martírio quando a Virgem Maria lhes apareceu pela primeira vez em 1981, a vidente Marija Pavlovic relembra 31 anos depois. Nossa Senhora nos encorajou, rezou conosco e disse que deveríamos oferecer o nosso sofrimento.


medjugorje visionary seer marija pavlovic lunetti apparition virgin mary our lady vienna 2010

27 de Junho:
Marija: Medjugorje ainda está na fase inicial

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A maioria clara de peregrinos que vêm a Medjugorje pela primeira vez, novas conversões e novas mensagens da Virgem Maria mostram que os acontecimentos em Medjugorje ainda estão na sua primeira fase, diz a vidente Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. O coração de Maria é grande o suficiente para abraçar o mundo inteiro, acrescenta a vidente Marija para a Rádio Maria 


medjugorje visionaries seers apparition hill podbrdo june 29 1981

26 de Junho:
Maria deseja que os primeiros anos sejam conhecidos

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Durante a sua aparição extraordinária em 25 de junho de 2012, o vidente Ivan Dragicevic sentiu que a Virgem Maria deseja que as pessoas se lembrem dos primeiros dias das aparições em Medjugorje. Na sua aparição em sua capela privada, no dia 25 de junho, um senhor que o acompanha sempre, notou o vidente mais radiante do que nunca.


medjugorje 31 31st anniversary apparitions virgin mary june 25 2012

26 de Junho:
Estimou-se 100.000 no aniversário

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Dois meios de comunicações locais ambos estimam que 10o.000 pessoas estiveram em Medjugorje no 31 º aniversário das aparições da Virgem Maria em 25 de junho de 2012. Muitos vieram a pé de toda a Herzegóvina. O calor intenso não impediu que os peregrinos subissem as montanhas. As Santas Missas foram celebradas em 15 idiomas.


medjugorje confession confessionals 31 31st annivesary apparitions virgin mary our lady

26 de Junho:
Aniversário atrai uma multidão para a confissão

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Os confessionários tiveram de ser abertos uma hora antes, quando grandes multidões de pessoas queriam ir para a confissão em Medjugorje, no aniversário das aparições. “Para mim, o maior sinal das aparições é a renovação espiritual da humanidade e do mundo de hoje”  disse o vidente Ivan Dragicevic.


25 de junho:
Ivanka aprende mais sobre o quinto segredo

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Apenas a família estava presente quando a vidente Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez teve a sua aparição anual em 25 de junho de 2012. A Virgem Maria falou à Ivanka sobre o quinto profético segredo e deixou uma pequena mensagem pedindo orações pela paz, a vidente disse após o seu encontro anual com Maria.


medjugorje june 23 anniversary virgin mary apparitions

June 24:
Thousands flock to mark anniversary

Medjugorje is packed with people celebrating the 31st anniversary of the Virgin Mary’s apparitions. Visionary Ivan Dragicevic tells Mary has prepared him by reminding him of the first days in 1981. Ivan and fellow visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti will have apparition together on June 25.  Full story


mario sulenta minister internal affairs federation bosnia hercegovina more effective better police medjugorje promise june 2012June 21:
Medjugorje gets more effective police

Federation minister announces “concrete steps” in Medjugorje where more pilgrims have attracted more crime, but no more policemen. Top meeting attended by prime minister and head of Medjugorje’s local community also heard police director admit the neglect of Medjugorje.  Full story


shop owner dies dead after shooting medjugorje miki dedaj armed robbery robbers june 2012June 21:
Victim of shooting dies in hospital

Shop owner Miki Dedaj did not survive the three wounds he got in his abdomen during the armed robbery against a Medjugorje jewelry store on June 14. Five and a half days later the dum-dum bullets proved fatal, and Miki Dedaj died at 51 in the hospital of Mostar, leaving six children behind.  Full story


ivo jerkic mayor citluk medjugorje requests more police june 20 21 2012June 21:
Mayor requests more police in Medjugorje

Send more police to Medjugorje, mayor Ivo Jerkic will ask the central police authority. The station in Citluk will be encouraged not to call for assistance from Medjugorje where officers are facing illegal construction, street merchants, dubious goods, false bank notes, and improper parking.  Full story


dragan.vasilj medjugorje mz councilJune 18:
Video surveillance comes to Medjugorje

After 35 stolen cars last year, 14 surveillance cameras will be installed in Medjugorje and Bijakovici, the hamlets’ local councils have agreed. President of Medjugorje council cites traffic and parking as biggest current problems, and says electricity and water supply must also be addressed.  Full story


Medjugorje armed robbery robber robbers robbed jeweller jewelry jewellery arms firearms weapons june 14 2012June 15:
Armed robbers hit Medjugorje merchant

One victim was critically wounded in the stomach when three armed men with masks robbed a jewelry store in Medjugorje about 10 pm local time on June 14. The robbers fled in a Golf later found on the road to Capljina. Car analysis and traces left on spot may help the police.  Full story


June 8:
100,000 expected on anniversary day

The head of Medjugorje’s tourist board foresees busy days around the anniversary of the apparitions on June 25. We cannot expect the record number of pilgrims for last year’s anniversary repeated, but ten percent less would be fine, and we are awaiting 100,000 people, he says.  Full story


santuario madonna corona verona italia our lady crown medjugorje visionary seer marija pavlovic lunetti apparition apparizione june giugno 2 2012June 3:
Monsignor opens shrine to Marija

Though Medjugorje has not been approved by the Church, the Monsignor in charge of the Virgin Mary’s main official shrine in Verona, Italy, saw no problem in hosting visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti on June 2. “The Church is in favor of so many people’s devotion and conversions” he said.  Full story


pope benedict 16 xvi cardinal camillo ruini medjugorje commission decision report recommendations 2012 diocese mostar vaticanJune 3:
Rome may give Medjugorje new bishop

While only very little has leaked from the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje, four possible outcomes are in play, a major Croatian newspaper has unofficially learned. Two of them will remove the influence of the Bishop of Mostar who does not believe in the apparitions.  Full story


medjugorje confessionals new confession may june 2012 36 61June 2:
New confessionals change church area

The completion of 36 new confessionals gives a whole different look to the north side of St. James Church in Medjugorje. The benches facing the church have been replaced by tiles, and the confessionals themselves have been engulfed in arches and pillars, providing shelter from the sun.  Full story


medjugorje bishop ratko peric mostar confirmation 2012May 22:
Local Bishop softens up to Medjugorje

Though opposed to the claims of apparitions in Medjugorje, local Bishop Ratko Peric says the town can be a Jerusalem and a site of the action of The Holy Spirit. Yet in the midst of a major building boom, the Bishop also warns against turning Medjugorje into a modern Babylon.  Full story


marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary seer veggente apparition apparizione fiuggi rho italy may 19 20 2012May 21:
30,000 prayed with Marija this weekend

5,000 people in central Italy on Saturday were followed by 24,000 near Milan on Sunday when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had public apparitions at prayer meetings on May 19-20. Three other Medjugorje main persons also helped to draw people from all over and beyond Italy.  Full story

ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionary seer ana shawlMay 18:
Ivan draws crowd in Medjugorje comeback

The first pilgrims came five hours in advance when visionary Ivan Dragicevic met with his prayer group and had his first public apparition in Medjugorje this season on Friday. Though the evening was cold before the apparition at 10 pm, people filled the area around The Blue Cross.  Full story


luciano giglioni sun miracle wonder medjugorje virgin maryMay 17:
Mary seen in the sun at apparition time

A former Italian bank manager says he saw the Virgin Mary in a sun spectacle in Medjugorje on April 27. Wearing a blue cloak, the Virgin stood forth in the sun just about the time the daily apparition begins, Luciano Giglioni testifies. Group of other Italian pilgrims also saw the sun wonder.  Full story


medjugorje motorway highway split dubrovnik croatia 2014May 12:
Motorway to Croatia in place by 2014

In 20 months a motorway will tie Medjugorje to Croatia. With border crossing also in place, pilgrims coming in through Split and Dubrovnik will have an easier travel. Until then a difficult job with bridges, viaducts and a tunnel must be completed within a deadline the entrepreneur calls short.  Full story


medjugorje risen christ statue sculpture liquid water oil exude drip shed

9 de maio:
Ambas as pernas da escultura agora vertem líquido

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Com um líquido escorrendo de um joelho, a escultura de bronze de Cristo Ressuscitado tem sido um mistério em Medjugorje desde 1991. Embora a natureza do líquido seja em si mesma misteriosa, o mistério como tal tem somente aumentado, pois nestes dias a substância desconhecida flui de ambas as pernas da escultura.


mostar international airport passenger record april 2012 pilgrims italy italian medjugorjeMay 8:
Pilgrims bring new record to airport

April was the best month for Mostar International Airport since the end of the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina in 1995. With more than 9,000 passengers, most of them pilgrims, the airport saw an increase of 318 percent compared to last April, and the positive trend continues in May.  Full story


ivanka ivankovic elez medjugorje visionary seer apparitionMay 7:
Seers unite in sweeping Italy for Mary

When Jakov Colo gives witness in Italy later this month, all the six Medjugorje visionaries will have done so within the last six months. This weekend Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez contributed by telling her story on a stadium in the north-western part of the country on Saturday and Sunday.  Full story


medjugorje busy never before italian pilgrims italy april may 2012May 1:
Medjugorje is busy as never before

All hotel and pansion rooms in Medjugorje were occupied last weekend, and pilgrims who came without a booking ended up sleeping in their car. I have lived here all my life, seen most big events throughout the years, and I can honestly say I never saw Medjugorje this busy, local guide tells.  Full story


mostar international airport medjugorjeApril 29:
Mostar Airport breaks traffic record

2,200 passengers landing in one day meant an all-time record was set in Mostar Airport on April 28. Italian pilgrims to Medjugorje took up the majority of seats in the 11 incoming airplanes that filled airport workers with joy and strengthened their belief in a bright future for the airport.  Full story


mirjana dragicevic soldo medjugorje visionary seer osimo an italy italia aprile 25 aprile 2012April 28:
Mirjana: Christianity is not about bans

Many young people are afraid to follow Jesus because they think it will keep them away from all the fun. But it is only what hurts you that is forbidden, visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo tells 5,000 people near Ancona. People came from all over central Italy to hear her.  Full story


marija pavlovic lunetti paolo michele maria medjugorje visionary seer veggente 1994April 26:
Marija: Keep kids close to have them pray

Passing on the Virgin Mary’s message to Radio Maria on April 25 led visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti to reflect on teaching prayer to children. She recounted how she had done with her own, and gave other practical advice on how to make the most of May, the Virgin Mary’s month.  Full story


ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionaryApril 25:
Ivan: Media push youth into blindness

Media influence a downfall and push the young into a valley of blindness, visionary Ivan Dragicevic told a packed church in Ohio, USA, on April 21. Forgiveness is needed for even physical well-being, he further told a crowd that came from far away for his talk and a 10 minutes long apparition.  Full story


Marija Pavlovic Lunetti Medjugorje visionary seer apparition apparizione Palermo Italy Italia April aprile 21 2012April 21:
Sicilians flocked for Marija’s visit

90 buses were set in from all over Sicily, and other attendees came from all parts of Italy when Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had a public apparition on Palermo’s football stadium on Saturday, April 21. More than 30,000 heard Marija tell them to rally around the Church.  Full story


salvatore perrella cdf expert member vatican commission medjugorje marija pavlovic lunetti apparition palermo italy italia april aprile 22 2012April 19:
Enviado do Vaticano assiste aparição à Marija na Sicília

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35.000 pessoas são esperadas quando a vidente de Medjugorje Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti irá falar e ter uma aparição pública no maior estádio da Sicília no sábado, 21 de abril. Entre a multidão estará um mariologista líder e membro da Comissão Vaticana que investiga os acontecimentos em Medjugorje.


marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary seer apparition apparizione brescello italy italia april aprile 15 2012

18 de abril:
Marija: não confesse aos psicólogos

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Quando a Virgem Maria convida cada um de nós a ir até a confissão, Ela quer dizes os sacerdotes, e não aos psicólogos, disse a vidente Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti para uma paróquia lotada na Itália no último dia 16 de abril de 2012. Ela também teve a oportunidade de falar conta o aborto e o divórcio que ela atribuiu a falta de oração.


miraculous medal medjugorje

10 de abril:
Velha medalha brilha após visitar Medjugorje

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Uma ou duas vezes ao mês Andrew Dobo da Flórida costumava polir a sua medalha milagrosa de 23 anos. Agora não mais ! Após visitar Medjugorje no último outono a medalha brilha como nova sem qualquer limpeza. “Eu continuo esperando para a ver a medalha manchada, mas isto nunca acontece”, diz o proprietário.


alberto salazar medjugorje

8 de abril:
Medjugorje deu um novo caminho ao grande maratonista

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Medjugorje fixou as minhas proporções exatamente no tempo em que eu estava cheio de mim mesmo e não tinha tempo para Deus, disse o ex-campeão de maratonas Alberto Salazar. Sua visita a Medjugorje o iluminou porque ele estava sofrendo, e despertou o seu compromisso com Cristo, o atleta de alto nível afirma em seu novo livro.


mirjana dragicevic soldo medjugorje visionary seer apparition apparizione aprile april 2 2012April 5:
Focused Mirjana got a message of peace

VIDEO:  Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo received her apparition on April 2 with accepting nods, but also with a few reactions of surprise. Emphasizing peace and hope in her message, the Virgin Mary stressed that true peace is heavenly, and will be recognized by those who seek peace in wrong places.  Full story


ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionary seer apparition terni italia italy apparizione november 20 novembre 2011March 31:
Blogger raises doubt of online blessing

Online transmitted blessings from apparitions live streamed by MaryTV is a pure invention, an Italian blogger says, referring to a talk with visionary Ivan Dragicevic. MaryTV upholds its statement, saying that Ivan could have misunderstood, have been mistranslated or taken out of context.  Full story


March 29:
Football boss speaks up for Medjugorje

I feel peace here. I feel great here. I believe more and more that Medjugorje will change the world for the better, says Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini after two days in Medjugorje. Mancini visited Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain, met three of the visionaries and spent half an hour in prayer and conversation with Vicka.  Full story


marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary seer veggenteMarch 27:
Marija: Fight worldliness with fasting

We have many possibilities but little willpower. The world puts us in a cage of a thousand things to do and to pray and fast just a little, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti said when she delivered the Virgin Mary’s message of March 25. She views the message as a call to truly live Lent, and fight worldliness by prayer and fasting.  Full story


March 25:
Italy may open Medjugorje consulate

As still more Italians go to Medjugorje, a member of the Italian Senate suggests State Department to build a new consulate in Mostar or in Citluk. The many Italians have been followed by more pickpockets operating out of Medjugorje, and their victims should not be forced to go to Sarajevo when the passport is gone, the Senator says.  Full story


marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary seer desio italia italy marzo march 17 18 2012March 19:
Marija prayed with thousands for peace

Visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had public apparitions on both days when one of Italy’s biggest Christian festivals took place in Desio on Saturday and Sunday. From Medjugorje, the seer was joined by Sister Lidija, a local nun who invoked the Virgin Mary to put an end to all wars and senseless bloodshed in the world.  Full story


March 18:
The Virgin Mary asks for mediatrix role

“I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father – your mediatrix” the Virgin Mary tells visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo. Playing into the petitions for the Pope to declare Mary “Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate” in a fifth and final Marian dogma, it is only the second time for 30 years of apparitions the word appears in a Medjugorje message.  Full story


medjugorje traffic road mapMarch 17:
Traffic plan makes a town of Medjugorje

80 more parking spaces from the rotunda halfway to Cross Mountain shall help solve Medjugorje’s traffic problems. So shall one-way traffic from St. James’ Church to both of the mountains and back. As Medjugorje takes further steps from village into town, local community representative says nothing will be as it was.  Full story


March 11:
100,000 attended apparitions in Beirut

Multi hall in Lebanon was full when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti had public apparitions in the Middle East on March 10 and 11. Attendees report of an immensely joyful crowd of just about 50,000 people each day. Live transmissions showed a crowd with obvious belief in Christ’s Real Presence in The Blessed Sacrament.  Full story


medjugorje routes italian italy pilgrims flights bergamo bari milan turin pescara mostarMarch 10:
New routes open for Italian pilgrims

As the Medjugorje boom in Italy continues, still more airports open up for flights to nearby Mostar. In 2012 the Italian pilgrims will have quick access to Medjugorje from five airports, making for alternatives to the otherwise popular buses, and further strengthening Mostar International Airport after years of recession.  Full story


mirjana dragicevic soldo medjugorje seer visionary apparition video march marzo 2012March 5:
Serious Mirjana mirrored a serious message

VIDEO:  The Virgin Mary was  “imploring”, “warning” and announcing “a time of your trial” during her apparition to visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo on March 2. The message and the rest of the apparition alike left their mark on Mirjana who only smiled a few times during the little more than five minutes long apparition.  Full story


rdinal camillo ruini vatican commission medjugorjeFebruary 24:
Cardinal updates the Pope on Medjugorje

Pope Benedict XVI has met with Cardinal Camillo Ruini to discuss the investigation of Medjugorje, a veteran Vatican reporter informs. Cardinal Ruini’s commission still has 6-7 months of work left, and while the seers have made a good impression, most Vatican observers do not expect the Commission to be openly for or against.  Full story


ivan dragicevic jakov colo medjugorje visionaries vatican commission february 20 2012February 19:
Vatican Commission hears Ivan and Jakov

Medjugorje guide says the Vatican Commission has called visionaries Ivan Dragicevic and Jakov Colo to be questioned on Monday. Bosnian mediaconfirms this, adding Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti and Mirjana Dragicvevic-Soldo joined them, but Mirjana’s interpreter Miki Musa denies that Mirjana or Marija were also in Rome.  Full story


marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary seer lignano may maggio 14  2011February 19:
Marija comes to Lebanon in March

Visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti has public apparitions in Beirut on March 10 and 11. Marija was first announced the following weekend in both Lebanon and Italy but the problem was solved by moving the arrangement in Lebanon one week ahead. In Assisi on Saturday, the seer spoke of the need for conversion, sacrifice and prayer.  Full story


cardinal vinko puljic sarajevo medjugorje vatican commissionFebruary 14:
Medjugorje Commission will finish in 2012

Later this year the Vatican Commission that investigates the events of Medjugorje will end its work and report to the Pope, says Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo who is a member of the Commission himself. Work is still going on but we must be finished this year, the highest ranking Bosnian prelate tells during press conference.  Full story


ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionaryFebruary 5:
Ivan says root of the crisis is spiritual

The world is not in an economic, but in a spiritual recession for this is the cause of every other recession, visionary Ivan Dragicevic said on February 1 in Ann Arbor, USA. The world is spiritually sick, and can only be cured through spiritual healing in the family, the seer further said. Ivan received messages in both Chicago and Kalamazoo.  Full story


sun miracle naples miracolo sole napoli february febbraio 2 2012 mirjana medjugorjeFebruary 4:
Sun miracle followed Mirjana to Naples

When the audience left the sports hall in Naples after visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo’s apparition on February 2, a number of people saw the sun pulsate in the sky. While a video indicates the incident in Naples to have been less obvious than certain sun miracles from Medjugorje, witnesses maintain they saw a miracle.  Full story


February 2:
Headstrong mankind makes Mary sad

In message to visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, the Virgin Mary says humanity is “deaf and blind”, that pride is ruling and prayer to The Holy Spirit lacking. The message is sad because mankind is headstrong and does not want to understand what is important in this world, Mirjana told more than 20,000 people in Naples, Italy.   Full story


ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionary kalamazoo mi michigan january 31 2012February 2:
Ivan says the world is at a turning point

The apparitions in Medjugorje challenge mankind to choose between the way of God and the ways of a world at dead end, visionary Ivan Dragicevic told a full church in Kalamazoo, USA, on January 31. The Virgin Mary is with us every day, and so the decisive question is how much we are with her in prayer, the visionary added.  Full story


February 2:
Live apparition took web servers down

MaryTV’s servers collapsed when the online tv station live streamed Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s apparition on January 31. Transmission came and went, and message board reactions indicate the majority of viewers to have missed the apparition. MaryTV apologizes and works to strengthen their servers.  Full story


mirjana dragicevic soldo medjugorje visionaryFebruary 1:
Tight security around Mirjana in Naples

Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo has arrived in Naples for her apparition on Thursday. Police is present in the sports hall from midnight, and security checks have tried to foresee everything. As dozens of buses arrive from all over Italy, the seer spends the night in a hotel whose name is kept secret to prevent a siege.  Full story


Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo Medjugorje visionary

January 31:
15,000 wait for Mirjana in Naples

The largest sports hall in Naples has been booked for visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo who has her apparition on February 2 in southern Italy. Two years ago Mirjana filled the hall to last seat, and arrangers do not feel sure the space suffices this time. Newspaper will broadcast the apparition live on its website.  Full story


ivan dragicevic medjugorje visionaryJanuary 29:
American parishes stand in line for Ivan

As visionary Ivan Dragicevic starts his 2012 tour of 17 public appearances in 7 states before May, many more parishes have asked for a visit. New York and Minnesota both seem to make it into Ivan’s schedule for 2012, New Jersey and Connecticut could also be this year while California will be no earlier than 2013. Full story


confessionals medjugorjeJanuary 23:
New confessionals are finished in March

Work is moving ahead on Medjugorje’s 36 new outdoor confessionals. New photos from the construction site show the raw walls in red bricks to have emerged north of St. James’ Church. Taking the total number to 61, the confessionals are expected to be fully built in March, ready for the new pilgrim season.  Full story


January 20:
Ivan points to Adoration for strength

Adoration of Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament is a paramount source to keep going at a difficult time, visionary Ivan Dragicevic says in a new interview. Ivan also confirms the seers to share a number of secrets, tells his book is half finished, and calls New Orleans’s relationship to Medjugorje “important and significant”.  Full story


mothers village orphanage medjugorjeJanuary 18:
Government turns down Medjugorje orphans

Mother’s Village and other orphanages close to Medjugorje are being left to themselves as federation government refuses to fund the homes and kindergartens. Medjugorje priest Fr. Svetozar Kraljevic calls the government insensitive to the needs of children, and ignorant of investing in next generation.  Full story


ivan-dragicevic-medjugorje-visionaryJanuary 17:
Apparition to Ivan will be live streamed

Everyone can follow Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s apparition on January 31 when MaryTV streams live from Michigan, USA. All online viewers will be blessed as if they were physically present. Two days later, visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo’s monthly apparition will not take place in Medjugorje as usual, but in Italy.  Full story


saint james church medjugorjeJanuary 17:
2011 became Medjugorje’s busiest year

In 2011, the total number of Holy Communions distributed during Mass in Medjugorje went above 2 million for the first time. The number of concelebrations by priests was likewise record-high in passing 40,000, also for the first time. The current Medjugorje boom in Italy accounts for some, though not all of the growth.  Full story


marija pavlovic lunetti medjugorje visionary varese 2011January 12:
Marija takes the apparitions to Assisi

Medjugorje’s close historical ties to the Franciscans are being made manifest on February 18 when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti will have her daily apparition in Assisi where the Order was founded. Eight days later, Marija will have another public apparition closer to her north Italian home.  Full story


January 5:
Bishop defends forerunner on Medjugorje

Bishop Ratko Peric of Mostar breaks a self-imposed silence on Medjugorje for the third time saying that his predecessor did not collaborate with the ruling Communists in repressing Medjugorje. Bishop Peric does not addresses all points raised, and cites a lost case as the onset of Zanic’s disbelief in the apparitions.  Full story


mirjana dragicevic soldo medjugorje visionary apparitionJanuary 3:
Mirjana had another joyful apparition

VIDEO: Like during her apparition in December, visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had many joyful moments during her apparition on January 2 in Medjugorje. In a rare production, the video of Mirjana’s apparition closely follows the visionary before, during and after the encounter with the Virgin Mary.  Full story


January 1:
Thin Vicka asks pilgrims for prayers

While visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic enjoys excellent spiritual health, her physical shape could be better, and on the last day of 2011 she asked pilgrims to remember her in their prayers. The evening before, a few thousand gathered for an outdoor apparition to Ivan Dragicevic, despite heavy rain and mudslides. Full story

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