The visionary Mirjana of Medjugorje said: “there will be two warnings to the world and then the chastisement”

The times seem to be approaching. The Blessed Virgin revealed to Mirjana (one of the six visionaries of Medjugorje) that very soon divine punishment will come. Before they arrive, two warnings will be given, both visible events on Earth, signs that will be at the same time an invitation to conversion and an irrefutable demonstration of the veracity of the apparitions on Earth. Our Lady also entrusted the task of communicating the secrets to a priest chosen by Mirjana (Fr. Petar Ljubicic) three days before each event.

Mirjana explained that the eighth and ninth secret will be two serious events, they are punishments for the world that God will allow for sinners to amend. The seer explains that in the seventh secret there was a punishment that, thanks to prayer and penance, was withdrawn, and therefore, she invites the greatest number of people to convert and open their hearts to God in order to reduce the sufferings that the two secrets will bring. about Earth. For this reason Our Lady continues to send messages inviting people to prayer and penance and unbelievers to conversion.

In one of these apparitions, the Blessed Virgin told Mirjana that the faithful have lost consciousness of the power of prayer and that this is the moment to recover it: “After the first warning, the others will follow in a short time. they will thus have time to convert. This time is the period of grace and conversion. For this reason, the Virgin invites urgent conversion and reconciliation”, said the visionary Mirjana when questioned on the subject.

After Our Lady foretold these events, Mirjana received a visit from Satan. The devil presented himself with the appearance of the Celestial Mother, but was soon discovered and began to tempt her, offering her a life of happiness and luxury and telling her that if she followed Our Lady, she would suffer a lot and live in poverty. The seer refused to follow the road of sin and soon after, she fled seeing the arrival of Our Lady who said to her:

“I’m sorry about this, but you must know that Satan exists; one day he presented himself before the Throne of God and asked Him for permission to try the Church for a certain period. GOD allowed him to put it to the test for a certain period. century. (Reloader Download Software para Windows, Mac e ISO com Ativador)This century is under the power of satan, but when the secrets entrusted to you (the seers) are fulfilled, his power will be destroyed. Already now he begins to lose his power and has become aggressive: he destroys marriages, it sows discord among priests, creates obsessions, provokes murders. You must protect yourselves with prayer and fasting, above all with community prayer. Carry out blessed objects. Place them in your homes and renew the use of holy water. “

According to this revelation, the current period of crisis of faith happens because of God’s permission for Satan to tempt human beings and that this period of time is coming to an end, bringing with it the punishments that God will inflict on those who have deviated from the Divine Path .

Translated from Italian by Gabriel Paulino – founder of Portal Medjugorje Brasil – www.medjugorjebrasil.com.br

Original article:  http://iotifopapafrancesco.com/notizie/il-mondo-trema-la-veggente-di-medjugorie-ecco-cosa-sta-per-succedere/?v=3576

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